Studio Construction
Studio Construction
After a long period of inactivity, the pace increased rapidly. In December, framing started.
This is" room within a room" construction with a Mass-Air-Mass isolation system. The gap between the old and new walls is 4". Each wall is free standing and independently seperated from other walls, ceiling and floor.
| | There are a number of products available to acheive this separation. Some are affordable, some are not. Most all involve using Neoprene in some shape or form. In an on-going effort to build on a budget, we came up with our own solutions.
The kick plate of each wall utilized 1/2" x 7" cement anchors through #8 neoprene bottle stoppers. The 2X4 sits on neoprene Super W pads (two squares) made for the purpose.
| Neoprene mouse pads cut down to size were used at the ceiling instead of the neoprene pads because we didn't want as much of a gap at the ceiling. |
| Another isolation product that we fabricated ourselves were sway brackets for the west wall. There is currently a double entry door on the old wall. Our plan is to add another set of double doors in the new wall to act as a sound barrier. These are massive, plaster filled doors. Because of this, more support was needed at that wall.
The sway brackets were constructed using Simpson deck brackets; the center hole enlarged to 1/2 inch. A 3/8inch ID x 5/8inch OD grommet was inserted in the hole to isolate the 3/8" bolt. A #8 rubber stopper fit on both sides of the bracket with the bolt through. A 1/2" hole had been drilled through the stoppers.
Our "home-made" sway bracket cost all of $11 to put together.
| | The bracket was bolted to the old wall and attached to the new wall using a
Simpson deck angle bracket.
| | With the framing done, it was time to call in the electrician.
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